The first prototype, prior to feline-aided destruction. The offending feline is still alive.

The electronics inside the largest annotation pillow. All points of electrical contact are covered in silicone putty. Protoboard makes for easy stitching.

Lacy's Stiff Stuff is an excellent interface between protoboard and fabric. It's precise enough to cut with a decal cutter and provides support for layers of fabric.

The largest annotation pillow, which features not buttons but continuous sliders and a rotary knob, comes together. The sewing style is boro, using traditional Japanese fabrics and hand-dyed silk thread.

Knobs were constructed by layering slices of balsa wood, sanding, staining with teak woodstain, and sealed with UV resin.

The smaller annotation pillows similarly used Lacy's Stiff Stuff, on which beautiful fabric is sewn. This frame received feline approval.

The smaller pillows use buttons to indicate binary conditions or instantaneous events. The pillows are highly portable, as seen in this outdoor garden. Buttons were handmade with transparent stickers and UV resin.

Two button-based annotation devices were created. The largest supports continuous reporting. All are plush and portable.

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